A properly functioning digestive tract is the alpha and omega of a satisfied life and of good health. This is another reason why great attention has been recently paid to this part of the human body, both on part of physicians and of numerous research teams.In Františkovy Lázně, the effective and centuries-proven treatment of the digestive tract is based primarily on the unique natural abundance of resources, which is unrivalled worldwide. The Glauber IV Spring is found in Františkovy Lázně, which actually contains the most Glauber salts* in the world. And it is this component found in all the Glauber springs that has a significant effect on improving the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
The plentiful occurrence of therapeutic mineral springs in Františkovy Lázně allows physicians to prepare a highly effective drinking cure that has proven positive effects especially on chronic disorders of the oesophagus and stomach, chronic disorders of the small and large intestines, the gall bladder, and biliary tract, and on post-op states after surgery to these organs. The drinking cure also helps alleviate torpid constipation, boosts the functions of the digestive tubes, the biliary tract, but also the liver.
Thanks to their salutary effects, the Františkovy Lázně mineral waters rank among the most used waters for drinking cures.
Springs and their use
• Glauber III and Glauber IV – constipation, torpid constipation
• Meadow Spring - gall bladder, liver
• Ferrous and New Spring - post-operative anaemia
• František, Meadow, and New Church Springs - excess stomach acids, treats lighter cases of gastritis
The treatment of the digestive tract takes place under the supervision of expert physicians and nurses. The basis of treatment is the drinking cure of mineral springs prescribed by the spa physician, and, of course, a properly set diet. Part of the therapeutic treatment is also fully curing post-op scars, suitable exercise, baths, peat packs, and other spa procedures.
*Glauber salts are sodium sulphate, known as mirabilite since the 17th century. Often, it is labelled as the best natural means for cleansing the body. We know that its effects on the whole digestive tract are practically unreal.

- Chronic disorders of the stomach and intestines, states after infections of the intestines
- Post-op states after surgeries of the stomach, the duodenum, the oesophagus, and the intestines, including postgastrectomy syndromes verified by endoscopy
- Chronic disorders of the gall bladder and biliary tract with lithiasis if surgery is contraindicated, sclerosing cholangitis, functional disorders of the biliary tract
- Post-op states of complicated gall bladder and biliary tract surgeries of stenosis and lithiasis of the biliary tract.
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- Drinking cure
- Pearl, whirlpool, or carbon dioxide baths
- Peat packs, which have the projected effect of preventing adhesions especially in patients after surgeries of the digestive tubes
- Individually selected remedial exercise depending on your current issues
- Physical therapy
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- The combination and frequency of procedures is determined by the physician during the initial physical exam according to the current health of the patient.
- The treatment plan usually consists of 18 procedures per week that consist of main and accompanying procedures.
- The patient should undergo no more than one main procedure daily.
Accommodation in other hotels is possible, however, the treatment will take place under the supervision of specialists at the specialised workplaces, and you will need to commute to them.
Of course, spa therapeutic rehabilitation care has certain contraindications that can prevent treatment. You can find a detailed description of them here.
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